Our Hijabs and Helmets program has ended for 2024.
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Newcomers and all skill levels are welcome! Learn to ride a bike in a supportive settings! Equipment, snacks, and TTC fares provided!
The program provides an inclusive and supportive community for hijabis and their allies and creates a comfortable and accommodating space for them to engage in recreational bike rides, grow their cycling skills, and explore the city.
We recognize that many visibly Muslim women navigate and face cultural and social barriers in order to engage in cycling. The program strives to make it easier for our participants to integrate cycling into their daily lives without having to compromise their individual lifestyles, beliefs, and commitments.

Paperny, A. M. 2023. Toronto program encourages hijab-wearing women to get on two wheels. Reuters. (Aug. 26)
Taylor, B. 2022. Hijabs and Helmets: The cycling program that’s helping Muslim women take on Toronto. Daily Hive. (Mar. 1)
Dirie, A. 2022. Scarborough Cycles’ Hijabs and Helmets program set to begin third year. Beach Metro. (Feb. 28)
Adler, M. 2021. ‘It just didn’t feel safe,’ Scarborough woman says about cycling with a hijab after Muslim family was murdered. Toronto.com. (Aug. 31)
Fellegi, V. 2019. Hijabs and helmets cycling group empowers women. Toronto Star. (Sept. 30)