“Firstly, riding on Danforth and the sections of Bloor where no cycling infrastructure currently exists presents several challenges as automobile traffic moves faster and the overall width of the road […] Dandyhorse: Riding the Bells on Bloor Victory Lap: Some reflections ...September 27, 2016
Thursday September 29, 2016. 10am departure from AccessPoint on Danforth. Join Scarborough Cycles and the Toronto Police Service 41 Division for a ride along the Waterfront Trail to Scarborough Bluffs […] Celebrate Community Health and Wellbeing Week with a ‘Ride to ...September 22, 2016
Scarborough Cycles is teaming up with Toronto based graffiti artist Moises Frank, also known as Luvsumone, to paint a mural at our Bike Hub at Birchmount Bluffs Neighbourhood Centre. Luvsumone […] Scarborough Cycles teams up with graffiti artist Moises FrankSeptember 7, 2016
A 2016 survey conducted by University of Toronto researchers as part of the Scarborough Cycles project found those in lower incomes brackets were more likely to respond that financial concerns […] Spacing: Common Cents: The Impact of Income on CyclingSeptember 7, 2016
Sunday September 25, 2016. 10am departure from our AccessPoint on Danforth Bike Hub (meet on the west side of the building). Join Scarborough Cycles as we ride to Christie Pits Park, which is the start […] Ride to the ‘Bells on Bloor Victory Lap’September 6, 2016