Marvin Macaraig, co-ordinator of Scarborough Cycles, a community cycling promotion program, said he was extremely disappointed. “Weʼve seen this kind of bait-and-switch game happen before,” he said, pointing to the […]
Waste Reduction Week in Canada is a year-round campaign focused on the principles of the circular economy, resource efficiency, and waste reduction. The goal of the campaign is to raise […]
Photo Credit: New bike lanes on Danforth Ave. (Nicholas Jones (2020), courtesy of Cycle Toronto). Our Health Promoter and Scarborough Cycles Coordinator, Dr. Marvin Macaraig, shared some insights with Sarah […]
Photo Credit: Nicholas Jones. 2020. “Marvin was attending the University of Toronto at both the Scarborough and St. George campuses when he needed to find a reliable form of transportation. […]
Our Health Promoter and Coordinator, Marvin Macaraig, spoke to Metro Morning with Ismaila Alfa, about the ActiveTO and riding in Scarborough. Listen to the full interview, ‘Grizzled veteran’ accustomed to […]
Marvin Macaraig, Health Promoter and Scarborough Cycles Coordinator spoke to Michael Polanyi from the Toronto Environmental Alliance about the role community hubs and their response during the pandemic, and the […]
Cycling Without Age is a program that was started in 2012 in Copenhagen by Ole Kassow, who wanted to help elders get back on bicycles, but he had to find a solution […]
Scarborough Cycles has launched a new Drop-In Bike Tune Up and Safety Check program in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Tune ups and safety checks will be completed by our […]
Want a free bike? Enter our contest to win one of 20 refurbished bikes from Scarborough Cycles! Why are bikes great? JK to Grade 7 students: We want to hear […]
Please note that our Drop-In Bike Tune Up and Safety Check session on Thursday June 25 at AccessPoint on Danforth has been cancelled. The next session will be on Thursday July 2.
“Marvin Macaraig, coordinator of Scarborough Cycles for Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services, said he hopes council’s heightened awareness of the need for Scarborough cycling infrastructure has “an eventual […]
“Cycling advocates say the infrastructure will not only help businesses, but also help residents maintain physical and mental well-being. “Simply put, when people feel safe, more people will ride and […]
UPDATE 1: 20:00, April 8, 2020. Scarborough Cycles has launched a new Drop-In Bike Tune Up and Safety Check program. Thursday 1pm-4pmAccessPoint on Danforth3079 Danforth Ave COVID-19 Safety Guidelines Everyone […]
Register here: Wednesday March 4, 2020.1pm – 2pm EST Communities that cycle benefit immensely from positive health benefits, friendlier streets, reduced traffic congestion, reductions in GHG emissions, and improvements […]