TCAT is very pleased to announce new funding from the Metcalf Foundation to grow and sustain Scarborough Cycles. This innovative project, in partnership with Cycle Toronto, Toronto Cycling Think and Do Tank, CultureLink Settlement Services, Access Alliance, and Birchmount Bluffs Neighbourhood Centre, is working to build bike culture beyond downtown. We are very proud of what our team has accomplished to date. Have a look at this Summary Report, prepared by Project Coordinator Marvin Macaraig, that provides a lovely snapshot of our activities over our first two years.
In 2017 our team will continue to work together to offer community bicycle programs, workshops and group rides at the two Scarborough Bike Hubs. In 2018 we will disseminate new knowledge about cycling in the suburbs through publishing our research and hosting workshops. We are working to get our hubs ready to roll by June 2017, so stay tuned!